Monday, November 4, 2019

Causes of Teenage Suicide

Causes of Teenage Suicide Essay Teenage suicide is one of the major problems in our society nowadays. Parents struggle to hold their children from a rash venture, but they have no idea that every child is an individual with overwhelming feelings, emotions, and thoughts. While there are plenty of argumentative and expository articles on the Internet with explanation and instruction concerning prevention of teen suicide, parents should find a way with their children, be calm and let their children understand that they can trust their parents. Outline1 Introduction: What is teen suicide?2 What are the causes and effects?3 Conclusion Introduction: What is teen suicide? The majority of people does not really know why teens end up falling back on suicide attempts. They know only the information presented by the media. According to mass media, suicide attempts are common among those teens who suffer depression, violence, abuse, any form of bullying and anxiety. However, if people turned to social sciences such as psychology, sociology or anthropology, they would understand that this problem lies deeper than they thought. Teen suicide has different meanings in different societies. People in our society usually think about suicide as the way to escape problems or as the only solution of all the problems that teens face in their adolescent years. But in other societies, as for example in Micronesia, the youth treats the suicide just the same as smoking or another way to express themselves. According to Gladwell, in Micronesia, teenagers like to experiment with the death just as our youngsters with smoking. Boys and girls in that areas think about suicide as some kind of game. They hang themselves or put their heads in a noose just to entertain themselves. Therefore, there is a risk that they will die from anoxaemia, just as our teens would die from lung cancer and other diseases. What are the causes and effects? From the point of view of anthropology, the youth of the First Nations and other indigenous peoples decide to commit suicide not only because of the depression or stress but because of drink or drug abuse, caused by the cultural and societal collapse. These people are no longer able to control their lives because of the immigrants and governmental laws. It decreases the sense of human worth and life in general and increases the rate of teen suicide. When it comes to sociology, the scientists are certain that the origins of the teen suicide among the First Nations youth are traced back to times when the government tried to assimilate indigenous people to Canadian and European ones. The government established facilities that were oriented on integration and assimilation of Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal people. Such a policy has changed and embittered lives of thousands of people causing irreparable harm for the next generations. It has created a sense of inferiority and deprivation of rights among the youth. Such a cultural collapse has evaluated the importance of lives for the indigenous people nowadays and increase the rate of teen suicide. Psychologists, as representatives of one of the social sciences, have their own explanation and understanding of the suicide.   The psychological state of the individual is the most important aspect when it comes to suicide. One of the causes why the Indigenous people choose death can be the fact that they are not able to satisfy their needs when it comes to accommodation, fitting in society and cultural respect. Moreover, they   don’t feel safe and secure in the environment they are living. The lack of understanding, love, relationships, and sense of belonging leads to an emotionally unstable state. Negative thoughts are overwhelming, the feeling of grief and uselessness prevails causing people to think that they lost their identity and death is the only solution. READ: LInk between homeless and psychological disorders EssayIn his book, M. Gladwell stated that the suicide is committed under the influence of the contagious effect. In some countries, the suicide has become the way of showing your identity and individuality. Gladwell claims that as soon as the media started the publication of suicide stories, the suicide rate has rapidly increased. The research has shown that those under the action of contagious effect, died in the same way as the people by whose death they had been influenced. As Gladwell states, the publication of the suicide story where the victim died in car crash resulted in a growing number of such accidents. Conclusion As a conclusion, it is necessary to admit that teenage suicide is an irretrievable loss for families, friends, colleagues, colleges, and schools. The effects that close people suffer after such losses include depression, the feeling of regret and grief. They are no longer able to live lives to the fullest. To prevent such a loss, parents should always be kind to their children and treat them as individuals. Love, respect, care, understanding, and trust are the most important constituents of the upbringing of your child. Provide your children with the right insight of the world and point out the important values in life in order to set them on the right track.

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